Tana Articles Why I Chose Tana, and How Tana is Pioneering a New Paradigm for Work (A Tana Romance) Tana has officially launched this week! Here is my personal story using Tana, and a detailed analysis of why Tana is starting a revolution.
Articles Holistic Home Node in Tana Let's begin with a simple definition of home. Home – noun – the house that you live in. Now, let's adapt this definition of home to Tana terminology: Home – noun – the place where your knowledge lives in. Following this logic, the Home Node is where all of your
Tana Articles no.25 - STOP Losing Notes. Always Find Notes with Super Folders. Embrace the power of Retrieval Mechanisms and always find your notes in Tana.
Articles no.24 - Work Faster than EVER in Tana with Speedy Keyboard Shortcuts. Learn the BEST Keyboard Shortcuts in Tana to level up your game.
Articles no.23 - Tana is a Knowledge Base Integrated with AI to Give You Superpowers. Understand how Tana is revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence using Knowledge Management.
Articles no.22 - Intentional Planning Cycle in Tana to Make Massive Progress. Change the course of your life with an Intentional Planning Process in Tana.
Articles no.19 - Aligned Goal Setting. A Framework to Align your Visions, Goals, and Daily Actions. Wake up every day with deep motivation and a strong sense of clarity, working on projects that are meaningful to you.
Articles no.18 - Personal Growth in PKM (in Tana + other app) The Most Powerful Use-Case of Personal Knowledge Management: Personal Growth
Tana Articles no.17 - Systems Thinking applied in Tana. A Holistic Tool. In Tana, Everything is Connected to Everything Else, it is a True System.
Articles no.16 - Deep Dive into Tana's Data Structure for AI. Why Tana is Super Powerful to Leverage Artificial Intelligence.
Articles no.15 - The Future of Knowledge Management. Why Tana is State-of-the-Art. Understand how Tana deals with PKM in a powerful and fluid way.
Articles no.9 - Overview of What is a Second Brain Big Picture View of what is a Second Brain, and Detailed Breakdown of the processes and components.
Articles no.3. The Death of Folders and Hierarchy The Rise of Networks and Flexibility. How the world is shifting towards a more connected approach to Knowledge Management, moving away from static folders, and into dynamic networks.
Articles no.2. The History (and Future) of the Extended Brain How a 70 year old dream is coming true due to modern technologies.
Articles no.1. Exponential Necessity for an Extended Mind. Take Control of Information Overload Feeling overwhelmed by the speed of change? Discover how to expand your mind & tackle information overload using the latest strategies. This article is your guide to thriving amidst exponential growth.