Welcome to my Library of Resources. Here you will find articles, academic papers, videos, and a network with fragments of wisdom.
Start Here
Here is my initial suggestion of where to start reading and watching.
no.23 - Tana is a Knowledge Base Integrated with AI to Give You Superpowers.
Understand how Tana is revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence using Knowledge Management.

no.1. Exponential Necessity for an Extended Mind. Take Control of Information Overload
Feeling overwhelmed by the speed of change? Discover how to expand your mind & tackle information overload using the latest strategies. This article is your guide to thriving amidst exponential growth.

no.16 - Deep Dive into Tana’s Data Structure for AI.
Why Tana is Super Powerful to Leverage Artificial Intelligence.

All Articles
Full list of Articles in the website:
Articles - Fis Fraga
Articles by Fis Fraga - Second Brain with AI in Tana. A guide to meaningful productivity, work smarter with an AI-powered knowledge workspace in Tana.

Academic Contributions
Check out a detailed list of my Academic Contributions in the page below.
Academic Contributions
Academic Contributions by Fis Fraga.

Fis Fragments
Read my most recent creative pursuit.
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