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Springer Nature Computer Science 2024: Creating Automatic Connections for Personal Knowledge Management

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Abstract: The field of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) has seen a surge in popularity in recent years. Interestingly, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models are also becoming mainstream, but PKM has not seen much integration with NLP. With this motivation, this article first introduces a methodology to automatically interconnect isolated text collections using NLP techniques combined with Knowledge Graphs. The text connections are generated by exploring the semantic relatedness of the texts and the concepts they share. The article proceeds to describe PKM Assistants that incorporate the methodology to assist users in understanding and exploring the knowledge contained in text collections using a Knowledge Management tool called Tana. The article continues with an assessment of the methodology using a text collection composed of several books and book passages collected for each book. Finally, the article concludes with a discussion of the proposed methodology, with special attention to the potential use cases.
ICEIS 2023: On Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections

Abstract: Recently, the topic of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) has seen a surge in popularity. This is illustrated by the accelerated growth of apps such as Notion, Obsidian, and Roam Research, as well as the appearance of books like “How to Take Smart Notes” and “Building a Second Brain.” However, the area of PKM has not seen much integration with Natural Language Processing (NLP). This opens up an interesting opportunity to apply NLP techniques to operating with knowledge. This paper proposes a methodology that uses NLP and networked note-taking apps to transform a siloed text collection into an interconnected and inter-navigable text collection. The navigation mechanisms are based on shared concepts and semantic relatedness between texts. The paper proposes a methodology, presents demonstrations using examples, and describes an evaluation to determine if the system functions correctly and whether the proposed connections are coherent.
Master's Thesis 2022: On Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections

Abstract: Recently, the topic of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) has seen a surge in popularity. This is illustrated by the accelerated growth of apps such as Notion, Obsidian, and Roam Research, and the appearance of books like “How to Take Smart Notes” and “Building a Second Brain”. However, the area of PKM has not seen much integration with the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This opens up an interesting opportunity to apply NLP techniques to knowledge operations tasks. Our objective is the development of a Software System that uses NLP and note-taking apps to transform a siloed text collection into an interconnected and inter-navigable text collection. The system uses navigation mechanisms based on shared concepts and semantic relatedness between texts. In this study, we present a methodology to build this system, the research context, demonstrations using examples, and an evaluation to determine if the system functions properly and if the proposed connections are coherent.
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